What is a Premature Ejaculation Pill

What is a Premature Ejaculation Pill?

Do you have full control over your ejaculation? Can you climax at will during sexual intercourse? If your answer is NO, you might be suffering from premature ejaculation.

It isn’t bad if you can’t last longer in bed. The bad thing is not treating your disease and not trying to cure premature ejaculation (PE). If you know you have premature orgasm (even if you have it on and off) and you aren’t doing anything about it, you are indeed a culprit. You are responsible for your condition.

Because early climax is a curable disease. Among several other medication techniques, premature ejaculation pills top the list when it comes to treating rapid orgasm problems in men.

What is a premature ejaculation pill, how effective it is, should you use it, what’s the best pill, and a lot more is covered in this article.

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What is a Premature Ejaculation Pill?

A premature ejaculation pill is any capsule, supplement, or tablet that is consumed orally. The main purpose of this pill is to help you delay orgasm during sexual intercourse. To do it, these pills use different active ingredients that range from antidepressants to stamina boosters to herbs and plant extracts.

So, a premature ejaculation pill is any capsule, pill, or tablet that is used to delay orgasm in men. A common example of such a pill is ProSolution Plus. It is an OTC pill for premature climax that anyone can buy without a prescription. It is made from herbal ingredients that include plant extracts and Chinese herbs.

FDA hasn’t approved any drug or pill for the treatment of premature ejaculation. This means there is no best drug for curing rapid ejaculation in the US (as of writing this in February 2022). This is a reason why people prefer using herbal pills to treat early climax problems.

📢 More from Our Blog: ProSolution Plus review and 10 Best Pills to Cure Premature Ejaculation

Types of Premature Orgasm Pills

There are two main types of rapid ejaculation pills:

  1. Prescription pills
  2. Over-the-counter (OTC) pills.

1. Prescription Tablets for Premature Ejaculation

These are medicines and pills that are prescribed by medical experts. You need a valid medical prescription to buy these pills such as Lexapro. However, there is no FDA-approved medication to cure early ejaculation. 

So, what medical experts do is that they prescribe other FDA-approved pills to their patients that might help men suffering from rapid climax.

Among the most commonly prescribed pills to delay ejaculation are antidepressants.


Because all the antidepressants have a side effect that they might delay orgasm. So, a sexologist or any medical expert is most likely to prescribe an FDA-approved antidepressant to premature ejaculation patients such as paroxetine.

Similarly, certain painkillers like tramadol also have a side effect that they might delay ejaculation. These painkillers are medically known as analgesics so your doctor might prescribe a painkiller to delay ejaculation.

If both an antidepressant and a painkiller fail to delay ejaculation, your doctor can then prescribe you Viagra or any other pill for erectile dysfunction as these pills might also cure rapid climax. Erectile dysfunction pills are known as phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors and these are often used with antidepressants for increased effectiveness.

So, the three key types of prescription drugs to cure premature ejaculation are:

  1. Antidepressants
  2. Painkillers
  3. Erectile dysfunction pills.

2. Over the Counter Pills for Premature Ejaculation

These are the pills that you can buy without a prescription and are known as non-prescription pills. Your doctor can prescribe these OTC pills but you don’t need a prescription for these.

According to the FDA, all OTC pills are safe to use and you must follow instructions on the label. All the OTC-approved pills are reviewed by the FDA, the Nonprescription Drug Advisory Committee, and the Office of Drug Evaluation.

FDA issues a monograph (also known as rule book) that consists of all the conditions and active ingredients for nonprescription drugs. Any medicine that follows the monograph and uses approved ingredients, doesn’t require FDA review. However, drugs that use any other ingredient that’s not available in the existing monograph must undergo FDA review and approval before they can be marketed and sold to the public in the US.

So, OTC pills for premature ejaculation are safe to use as they contain approved ingredients that aren’t harmful to the general public.

There are 3 main types of OTC tablets premature orgasm out there:

  1. Supplements
  2. Ayurvedic medicines
  3. Herbal pills.

1. Supplements

Supplements are the most common type of OTC drug used to treat premature climax. These pills are mostly aimed at boosting immunity, energy level, and overall stamina. More specialized supplements improve testosterone and libido as these are directly related to sexual intercourse.

Zinc is the most common ingredient used in these supplement tablets as zinc deficiency leads to sexual issues. Zinc supplements are scientifically known to increase testosterone levels in men that gives you more control over ejaculation.

Red ginseng, ginkgo biloba, maca, and Tribulus are some of the other key ingredients used in premature ejaculation supplements.

2. Ayurvedic Pills

These early ejaculation pills use ancient ingredients from the ayurvedic medicine system such as eranda moola, Brahmi, jaiphal, and others.

A study found that these ayurvedic medicines may help in curing rapid orgasm in men. However, more authentic research is awaited that will demonstrate the effectiveness of ayurvedic herbs in the treatment of men’s sexual issues, especially rapid climax.

🎁 Suggested Reading for You: 7 Best Ayurvedic Medicines to Treat Early Discharge Problem in Men

3. Herbal Pills

Herbal pills include all types of herbs, plants, fruit extracts, and everything and anything that belongs to nature. Most of the orgasm delaying tablets fall under this category as they’re promoted as health-friendly due to natural ingredients.

VigRX Plus, for instance, is an herbal pill that helps you last longer in bed by improving hormonal balance, blood flow, and improved nervous system. It contains herbal ingredients such as hawthorn berry, Asian red ginseng, saw palmetto, Epimedium leaf extract, damiana, and several others. All these ingredients are herbal, making this pill a perfect OTC tablet for delaying climax with no side effects.

Benefits of Using Premature Orgasm Tablets

Research shows that OTC pills are the most used premature ejaculation treatment method used by men. A whopping 38% of men suffering from early orgasm prefer using climax delaying OTC pills:

38% of Men Suffering from Premature Ejaculation Use Over-the-Counter Pills

But this isn’t the only reason why people prefer using pills to treat rapid ejaculation. Several benefits make tablets a top priority:

  1. Tablets and pills are easy to use as opposed to desensitizing products that need some time to absorb and work properly
  2. Over-the-counter orgasm delaying pills don’t have side effects as these are mostly herbal supplements made from natural ingredients. Even if a tablet doesn’t delay climax significantly, it won’t harm you or your body in any way
  3. If, for some reason, you have hidden your early ejaculation issue from your sexual partner (35% of men reported that they hide premature ejaculation from their partner) and you want to secretly work on the cure, tablets are your best bet. You’ll just need to take 1-2 pills a day and that’s all
  4. OTC tablets promote overall health as these are mostly health supplements. So, you’ll feel better in terms of energy, stamina, and mood. Your body’s nutrient needs will be fulfilled and this promotes overall health
  5. Both prescription and OTC medicines for early climax are approved or reviewed by FDA making them safe.

These benefits (and other benefits such as ease of use and portability) make them ideal for men suffering from early orgasm. 

Do Premature Ejaculation Capsules Really Work?

It depends.

Some studies (here and here) show that pills help delay orgasm so yes, they work. But since there is no FDA-approved prescribed medicine for premature ejaculation, you’ll end up using a medicine that delays orgasm as a side effect. And it might not work for you.

Not all people who use medicine experience all the side effects. This is what makes prescription drugs for delaying ejaculation somewhat less effective.

OTC pills, on the other hand, are more effective and are more likely to work because they focus on overall sexual health by providing your body with necessary nutrients. This is a reason why over the counter pills are the third most effective treatment method used by men to delay climax:

36% of Premature Ejaculation Patients Rate Desensitizing Products as the Most Effective Treatment Method

It is hard to clearly distinguish whether a certain prescription or non-prescription tablet works or not isn’t possible. It involves a lot of different variables that make it almost impossible to draw a line between whether premature ejaculation pills work or not.

What you need to do is use a tablet for a few weeks and then see results. If it doesn’t work, it is best to stop using it and try another medicine.

What is the Best Tablet to Delay Ejaculation?

The only best pill to delay orgasm is one that works for you. And let me tell you, not all tablets work for everyone. There is no single best premature ejaculation medicine that will eventually and magically work for every man in this world.


What you need to do is try figuring out yourself what prescription and non-prescription pill works for you and help you last longer in bed. It is easy for OTC pills because you have the option to go with any pill that you think might work for you (based on reviews or ingredients). In the case of prescription drugs, you can’t change them. Your physician will do it.

If you ask me what’s the best pill to delay climax in men, I’d go with ProSolution Plus.

ProSolution Plus


Because it has natural ingredients with no side effects. It is clinically proven and tested so the probability of this tablet working for you is high. And importantly, it has some great reviews and testimonials.

You can read its review here or you can click here to visit the official website for more details.

Since it is an herbal OTC pill for delaying orgasm, it won’t harm you. Even if it doesn’t work, it will not have any negative impact on your body or sexual organ.

What if ProSolution Plus doesn’t work for you?

Try another non-prescription premature ejaculation pill. Click here to check out the list of the 10 best OTC pills for premature ejaculation.

Updated: December 1, 2022