Timing is the key to success in the bedroom. Marital life has its own pleasure and respect for partners. This pleasure lies in the ability to penetrate and hold ejaculation. Ejaculation that occurs within a minute of penetration is considered premature ejaculation and a stigma.

If you are suffering from premature ejaculation, you can cure it in several ways temporarily to spice up your sexual life. One of the most used and easiest ways to delay ejaculation is by using a delay spray.

Not sure what is a delay spray?

Keep reading. This article covers everything in detail about delay sprays and how effective they’re in delaying ejaculation.

What is a Delay Spray?

What is a Delay Spray

Delay sprays are numbing and desensitizing products that are used to treat premature ejaculation temporarily. They reduce the sensitivity of your penis and give you significant control over ejaculation time. 

Exaggerated sensitivity of the nerves plays a vital role in reducing the threshold level for the stimulus. Delay sprays are meant to lower the penile sensitivity in the most sensitive parts of the penis like glans, shaft, frenulum, or the overstimulated nerves of the base.

Delay sprays help you last longer in bed, release when you want, increase your stamina, and work within 10 minutes.

Unlike lidocaine creams that transfer to your partner’s sexual organs and can affect them, delay sprays or climax sprays do not transfer to your partner unless it comes in contact with their mouth. So, you are not allowed to do oral encounters.

VigRX delay spray, for instance, is the leading delay spray that works in as low as 10 minutes. It is a benzocaine delay spray that numbs your penis for approximately an hour. I want you to make it clear that VigRX has 100 percent efficiency.

📖 Suggested Reading: Read in-depth VigRX delay spray review.

How Does a Delay Spray Work?

Delay sprays are composed of desensitizing agents that are local anesthetics like lidocaine or benzocaine. These local anesthetics are sodium channel blockers that reduce the flow and origin of action potential in the nerve endings. Once these channels are blocked, the flow of action potential is seized and the threshold level is increased.

This makes your penis numb for an hour or so.

What is a Delay Spray Used For?

People use delay sprays in several different ways but their primary purpose is to treat premature ejaculation. There are other uses too that are covered below.

1. Cure Premature Ejaculation

The primary use of delay sprays is to cure premature ejaculation. 

Lidocaine or benzocaine is the active ingredient in delay sprays making it the perfect numbing spray for your penis. Lidocaine is one of the most used anesthetics in the world applied either locally as a spray, as a cream, or as an injection to specific parts of your body.

2. Other Uses

As an anesthetic spray, lidocaine is a very effective pain reliever due to its numbing effect. You can use your delay spray in other ways too including:

  • Pain relief
  • Numbing effect as a part of local anesthesia
  • Use as magic spray in sports
  • Dental surgery.

However, when you buy a delay spray that’s specifically made for premature ejaculation, you must avoid using it as a painkiller. 

Is Delay Spray Safe?

Generally, delay sprays are safe to use. You should not exceed the maximum dose of 24 sprays within 24 hours. Using too much spray can result in stinging, burning, or loss of erection.

The primary side effect of using delay sprays is temporary penis desensitization. When used in a large amount, it can cause temporary sensitivity loss and possibly the loss of erection. This is why accurate and proper dosage is necessary for ultimate efficacy and desired results.

Are Delay Sprays Effective in Curing Premature Ejaculation?

Clinical studies suggest that benzocaine and lidocaine are effective in delaying ejaculation. You can’t use delay sprays as a cure for premature ejaculation. They just help you get rid of premature ejaculation temporarily.

Delay sprays don’t cure premature ejaculation permanently.

In other words, delay sprays are useful in supercharging your sexual experience. Even if you don’t have premature ejaculation, you can still use a delay spray to enjoy more time in bed with your loved one.

If you want to cure premature ejaculation, you need to use other techniques such as exercise, medicines, and supplements

📖 Suggested Reading: Is Permanent Premature Ejaculation Curable?

Should You Use Delay Sprays?

It depends on why you want to use a delay spray.

If you are using it to improve your sexual performance, then YES, you should use it.

If you are using it to overcome premature ejaculation and want to have a great time in bed, YES, you should use it.

If you are using it to treat premature ejaculation and you are of the view that using delay sprays will help you get rid of premature ejaculation permanently one day, NO, you shouldn’t use delay sprays then.

Using a delay spray is fine. A lot of men I know use it to satisfy their ladies in bed as it increases the ejaculation time. So, it is fine. In fact, it is a great idea to use delay sprays as women orgasm in at least 20 minutes while men orgasm in under 5 minutes. If you want to satisfy your lady, you must use a delay spray.

So, it is absolutely OK to use delay sprays even if you don’t have premature ejaculation. Enjoying sex doesn’t have to be hard. It should be easy and simple.

📖 Suggested Reading: 8 Best Delay Sprays Under $50

Updated: September 16, 2022