man in gym holding an energy drink

Does Energy Drink Make You Last Longer in Bed?

No, energy drink does not make you last longer in bed. Scientifically, an energy drink can do more harm than good.


Keep reading to find out…

This article covers energy drinks and their association with lasting longer in bed based on clinical studies and scientific evidence.

What is an Energy Drink?

An energy drink is a soft drink that contains a stimulant that stimulates your mind and body. The stimulant is mostly caffeine, and a lot of energy drinks use it as a primary stimulant. Other legal stimulants used in energy drinks are guarana, taurine, and L-carnitine.

Other ingredients include:

  • Sugar and sweeteners
  • Amino acids
  • Herbal extracts.

Energy drinks contain legal stimulants that increase alertness, energy, attention, heart rate, and blood pressure.

How Energy Drink Works?

It is important to understand how energy drinks work to fully understand their impact on premature ejaculation and sexual activity.

Here is how an energy drink typically works:

  1. The stimulant in energy drinks normally shows results in a few minutes. Caffeine, for example, enters the bloodstream in 10 minutes
  2. For the first 10 to 60 minutes of consuming an energy drink, you feel more alert and energetic. This is the time when the stimulant kicks in after entering your bloodstream
  3. An average human needs 12 hours to eliminate all the caffeine from the bloodstream. You might experience alertness and a high energy level up to 12 hours of consuming an energy drink.

The stimulant in the energy drink you are drinking is the most important ingredient as it is responsible for boosting energy and alertness.

Does Energy Drink Make You Last Longer in Bed?

No, it does not.

Energy drinks don’t make you last longer in bed. There is no scientific evidence or clinical studies to support the claim that energy drinks make you last longer in bed.

Stimulant and sugar are the two key ingredients in any energy drink, and they are not associated with premature ejaculation. A high amount of sugar in your bloodstream might lead to other sexual disorders such as erectile dysfunction.

A review study reported that men suffering from type 2 diabetes are more likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction. Half of all diabetic men experience erectile dysfunction at some point. High sugar intake is reported to damage blood vessels that reduce blood flow to your penis leading to issues with erection.

However, another study reported that caffeine intake (170-375 mg/day) reduces the risk of erectile dysfunction in men. The participants in the study didn’t consume energy drinks, rather they took coffee. So, if you are consuming caffeine in the form of coffee without high sugar, you might have a better erection during sexual intercourse.

Since not all energy drinks contain caffeine as a stimulant and all energy drinks have high sugar, they do more harm than good. Sugar is suicidal for your sex life. 

Based on scientific evidence, energy drinks do not make you last longer in bed. Rather, energy drinks might cause erectile dysfunction. Don’t use them to supercharge your sex life.

What Makes You Last Longer in Bed?

Lasting longer in bed either to treat premature ejaculation or enjoy better sex is possible and can be achieved in several ways. Here are the best ways to last longer in bed:

1. Supplements

Instead of using energy drinks to last longer in bed, you should use over-the-counter supplements that are made specifically to help men last longer in bed. These tablets and pills contain natural herbal extracts and are safe to use. 

ProSolution Plus is the best herbal supplement that is clinically tested. It was reported that it delays ejaculation by 64% and helps you last longer in bed when used regularly. Click here to buy ProSolution Plus and get it delivered to your doorstep in discreet packaging with free shipping. 

Check out this list of the 10 best pills to last longer in bed.

2. Delay Products

You can use a delay product such as delay spray, wipe, or gel. These desensitizing or numbing products contain topical anesthetic that reduces the sensitivity of your penis. You can last much longer in bed when you lose sensitivity in your penis.

Benzocaine and lidocaine are the two FDA approved topical anesthetics for use in male genital desensitizing products. If you are new to delay products, we recommend using benzocaine over lidocaine as it is mild and won’t numb your penis completely.

Check out this article to read more about the best desensitizing products to last longer in bed.

3. Natural Remedies

If you prefer natural home remedies to last longer in bed, you can go with foods and natural remedies. The home remedies to delay ejaculation are safe but these techniques require a lot of time to work and show results.

Here are the best natural ways to last longer in bed:

  1. Start consuming foods that are scientifically known to help you last longer in bed. Here is a list of the foods that make you last longer in bed
  2. There are a lot of natural yet easy ways to delay ejaculation. Check out this article on how to hold back your ejaculation and last longer in bed
  3. Start practicing the squeeze technique. It works great and is extremely helpful in delaying orgasm. You can last as long as you want with this simple technique. We published the entire process to master the squeeze technique, check it out.

Stop Using Energy Drinks for Sexual Benefits

Energy drinks don’t help you sexually. These drinks don’t help you last longer in bed, so stop using them if your primary purpose is to have better sex. Energy drinks do more harm than good due to the high sugar that is associated with sexual dysfunction in men.

If you are interested in drinks that will make you last longer in bed, try drinks that actually work. Here is a list of the scientifically proven 15+ drinks that will make you last longer in bed


Does Caffeine Make You Last Longer in Bed?

No, caffeine does not make you last longer in bed. There is no scientific evidence to support this claim. Caffeine before sexual intercourse might give a little energy boost in the form of better stamina and might help improve erection. But it does not delay ejaculation. 

Can Red Bull Make You Last Longer in Bed?

No, Red Bull can’t make you last longer in bed. It contains caffeine as a stimulant which isn’t linked to delaying ejaculation. There is no scientific evidence that either Red Bull or caffeine helps men last longer in bed.

What Energy Drinks Make You Last Longer in Bed?

Energy drinks don’t make you last longer in bed. This is not what energy drinks are made for. Energy drinks contain stimulants (mostly caffeine) which increase alertness and energy for a short period. No legal stimulant (allowed for use in energy drinks) is scientifically proven to make you last longer in bed.

Updated: August 1, 2023