best condoms to delay ejaculation

3 Best Condoms to Delay Ejaculation

If there is one thing that is the easiest to cure premature ejaculation, it is none other than the best condoms to delay ejaculation. They work, and they work great. 

You have made frantic attempts to relieve yourself of premature ejaculation, but nothing seems to work? Not topical creams? Nor exercising? Not to talk of acupuncture.

Well, I understand.

It is no longer news that many people run away from the condom claiming that it kills the mood. But you never thought that it could be the one thing that would help last longer under the sheets, did you?

We browsed through the internet and found the three best condoms that will extend your pleasure time with your partner. So, if you’ve got a shoot-on-sight penis, the condoms in this article will help you wrap it up.

But before we review, let us look at some basics.

Thick Condoms Vs. Benzocaine Condoms

It is no longer news that wearing a condom delays ejaculation to some extent. Most men have reported that they feel lower sensations whenever they use a condom.

As such, many men wear thick condoms with the hope of lasting longer in bed. Some condoms are designed to reduce the sensitivity of your penis and help you last longer. But you should note that it has little or nothing to do with the thickness.

If you are wearing a thick condom doesn’t guarantee you’ll last longer. There are condoms that are specially designed to help you last longer in bed – and they’re known as benzocaine condoms.

The benzocaine acts on your nerve endings. This action has a neurological effect – and a very significant one at that.

What Are Premature Ejaculation Condoms?

A premature ejaculation condom is one whose interior is coated with a benzocaine solution. The benzocaine acts as a desensitizer to numb your penis and makes it less sensitive.

Benzocaine used in premature ejaculation condoms is also used in certain medications used for treating earaches and sore throats.

When your penis gets stimulated, it transmits signals to your spinal cord and brain. This triggers the ejaculation reflex. Benzocaine influences the sodium channels on the neuron membrane. These sodium channels play an important role in circulating the signals. Simply put, benzocaine inhibits communication between your penis, and your brain & spinal cord. When you numb your penis with benzocaine, it cannot tell your brain to trigger ejaculation.

Are Benzocaine Condoms Safe?

Benzocaine is a well-known active ingredient in many over-the-counter medications and pharmaceutical products. It is relatively safe.

Benzocaine has been approved for the treatment of premature ejaculation by both Health Canada and the FDA.

However, it is worth knowing that benzocaine products may still have side effects or cause some allergic reactions. It is, therefore, important that you adhere to the instructions on the packaging. There’s no doubt regarding the possibility of benzocaine overdose. But a controlled quantity is used in premature ejaculation condoms as compared to creams or sprays.

3 Best Condoms to Delay Ejaculation

There are other delay products apart from premature ejaculation condoms. And just like desensitizing condoms, these products also use benzocaine solutions. They also use lidocaine which is similar to benzocaine such as delay sprays and delay wipes

Condoms work best for several reasons:

  1. They are easy-to-use
  2. Portable and easy to carry. You can take a condom anywhere with you
  3. Cheap as compared to other premature ejaculation medicines
  4. No known side effects.

Here is a list of the 3 best condoms to delay ejaculation that you must try:

1. Durex Performax Intense

durex performax intense

Durex Performax Intense condoms come in a pack of 12 pieces. The product is designed to “speed her up and slow you down.” These latex condoms are dotted, ribbed, and lubricated to boost sensation.

What’s more?

Durex Performax Intense features a unique delay lubricant that prolongs your performance time under the sheets, giving you and your partner a more intense experience.

To get the best benefits, you must adhere to the usage instructions.

Here are the main benefits of using these condoms:

  • Dots and ribs for your partner and a delayed lubricant for you to prolong the pleasure.
  • Durex is the world’s best condom brand which has been in use for over 80 years.
  • It is designed with an easy-on shape which makes it easy to put and comfortable to wear.
  • Durex is electronically tested for reliability, flexibility, and strength.
  • They are specially made with a pleasant smell.

2. Trojan Extended Pleasure Climax Control Condoms

Trojan Extended Pleasure condoms

Trojan Extended Pleasure Climax Control Condoms delays ejaculation so you can give your partner the pleasure they deserve for as long as they want. One of Trojan’s outstanding features is the Climax control lubricant ­– a clear lubricant without any odor with a unique additive that prevents premature ejaculation and maintains that rock-hard erection for as long as you want.

Here are the major features of Trojan Extended Pleasure Climax Control condoms:

  • Unique reservoir end for that extra touch of safety
  • All condoms are electronically tested for reliability
  • They are made from high-quality latex to minimize the risk
  • It is coated with a water-based lubricant.

3. Durex Prolong

durex performax intense

This is yet another product from the Durex stables. A pack of Durex Prolong contains 12 lubricated latex condoms. The inside of Durex Prolong condoms is coated with heat-activated climax control lubricant while the outside has a silky-smooth lubricant.

Durex Prolong contains a delayed lubricant, basically a desensitizer for the male genital to allow you more control, and of course, more time for your lady. Also, the condoms have a dotted and ribbed texture for extra pleasure.

The key features of Durex Prolong include: 

  • 12 lubricated latex condoms
  • Designed to help you both climax mutually
  • Dotted latex and ultra-ribbed latex condoms with delayed lubricants
  • The outside is coated with a silky and smooth lubricant.

Choose the Right Condom to Last Longer in Bed

Condoms are created in different sizes, textures, flavors, and even colors. We understand this fact, and we also understand that sex is a serious business – one that needs commitment and dedication.

The desire for sex is an animalistic component of all humans, and an intrinsic one at that, even though people may refrain from discussing it openly. Delaying orgasm is one of the best ways to derive immense pleasure from sex. With the condoms recommended in this article, you’re sure to give your partner the best pleasure ever.

Updated: April 13, 2023