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Does Alomo Bitters Make You Last Longer in Bed?

Alomo Bitters is a popular herbal alcoholic drink in Africa which is known to have several health benefits due to plant extracts. Does Alomo Bitters make you last longer in bed?

No, it does not make you last longer in bed. It is not meant to treat premature ejaculation (PE) and shouldn’t be used for improving sexual performance.

What else should you use to delay orgasm and what is Alomo Bitters good at? What does the scientific studies say about the effectiveness of Alomo?

Keep reading to find out…

What is Alomo Bitters?

Alomo Bitters bottle

Alomo Bitters is an herbal alcoholic drink manufactured by Kasapreko which is based in Ghana. The formula of the drink was created by Dr. Kwabena Adjei several years back. It works as an energy drink and general healer for several medicinal issues like body aches. It contains water, herbs, and a neutral spirit.

It is a popular drink in Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa, and other parts of Africa for its health benefits which include:

  • Improved blood circulation
  • Enhances appetite
  • Treats body aches and menstrual cramps
  • Improves energy and strength.

Alomo Bitters Ingredients

It is an herbal energy drink that contains several herbs and plant extracts. Here is a list of the Alomo Bitters ingredients:

  • Alcohol (42%)
  • Purified water
  • Khaya senegalensis (helps treat malaria, diarrhea, fever, and toothaches)
  • Mondia whitei (improves sexual health and testosterone levels)
  • Capparis erythrocarpus (helps cure pain and inflammation).

The core active ingredient of Alomo Bitters is alcohol. The herbal ingredients constitute a small percentage, but they work well.

Alomo Bitters Side Effects

Alomo Bitters has a few side effects that include dizziness, epigastric pain, and loss of taste. These side effects were reported in a 2014 study.

The general side effects are similar to that of alcohol including:

  • Slow or blur speech
  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Poor coordination
  • Blackouts.

Does Alomo Bitters Make You Last Longer in Bed?

No, Alomo Bitters does not help you last longer in bed.

When used in small quantities, alcohol acts as an antidepressant. It reduces stress, anxiety, and depression. This might help you delay ejaculation and improve libido. This is based on a book by Dr. Kat Van Kirk where he claims that alcohol intake delays ejaculation, increases libido and erection, and boosts sex stamina.

A 2016 qualitative study reported similar results. Male university students said that they use alcohol to perform better in bed and to increase sexual satisfaction. A 2013 study asked university students why they use Alomo Bitters and other herbal drinks. None of the Alomo Bitters respondents (total of 397) said that they use it for delaying ejaculation. Only 39% of males reported that they use herbal bitters to increase libido.

So, Alomo Bitters is least likely to delay ejaculation. It only works when you are unable to last longer in bed due to stress and anxiety (which is a common cause of temporary premature ejaculation). In this case, drinking Alomo Bitters will relieve stress and might increase ejaculation duration.

But it is only helpful in delaying orgasm when taken in small quantities (1 to 2 drinks per sitting). Excessive use of Alomo Bitters might lead to erectile dysfunction and other sexual issues (e.g., hormonal imbalance).

A 2017 study reported that excessive use of alcohol leads to hormone imbalance and might lead to infertility along with complete or partial loss of erection. A 2018 meta-analysis found that excessive use of alcohol leads to sexual dysfunction including premature ejaculation (PE). 

So, excessive use of Alomo Bitters might cause premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction.

The purpose of Alomo Bitters isn’t to treat premature ejaculation and to make men last longer in bed. The herbal ingredients used in Alomo Bitters aren’t helpful in curing premature ejaculation, so it does not make you last longer in bed.

How to Last Longer in Bed

Alomo Bitters (like Orijin Bitters) is essentially an alcoholic herbal drink and isn’t meant to help you last longer in bed or treat premature ejaculation. If you want to delay orgasm and last longer in bed, there are other better methods to do it as discussed below:

1. Numbing Products

Topical numbing products, also known as desensitizing products, work instantly for delaying climax as they are applied topically on the penis. Numbing products have local anesthetic which reduces the sensitivity of your penis and you can last much longer in bed. These products are available in the form of sprays, condoms, wipes, creams, and gels so there are a lot of options to choose from.

A typical numbing product works in as low as 5 minutes. You need to apply it to your penis 5 to 15 minutes before sexual intercourse and you will be able to delay orgasm significantly. The FDA has approved two topical anesthetics (benzocaine and lidocaine) for use in desensitizing products which makes these safe with no major side effects.

For example, VigRX Delay Spray is a popular delay spray that contains benzocaine (mild anesthetic). You need to apply 1 to 3 pumps on your penis at least 5 to 15 minutes before sexual intercourse and it will increase ejaculation duration by at least 5 minutes.

Shop VigRX Delay Spray with free US shipping.

2. Herbal Supplements

Over-the-counter herbal tablets are another option to treat premature ejaculation safely. Dietary supplements are risk-free and have no side effects making them an ideal choice for most men.

Herbal tablets do not work as quickly as numbing products. You need to consistently take the tablets for a couple of months to see a significant increase in orgasm timing. So, if you are not in a hurry, you should consider trying herbal tablets to last longer in bed.

Supplements work best for men who haven’t shared their premature ejaculation condition with their partners. Research shows that 35% of men hide their PE condition from their sex partners for any reason. In this case, you don’t have to apply any product to your penis before sexual intercourse. You just have to take tablets daily and that’s it. 

Some of the herbal pills are backed by scientific evidence and clinical trials such as ProSolution Plus. It is an herbal tablet made that was clinically tested for its efficacy. The study reported that men who used ProSolution Plus for 2 weeks increased ejaculation duration by 64%.

Buy ProSolution Plus.

3. Home Remedies

You can use natural home remedies to last longer in bed that are 100% safe and cost-effective. There are several scientific ways to delay orgasm naturally. For example, using certain fruits and vegetables can boost your ability to control ejaculatory muscles and last longer in bed.

Home remedies for PE are safe and don’t have any side effects. This makes them quite popular among men. However, these remedies don’t work as quickly as other methods to delay climax. You have to use home remedies consistently (and patiently) to see a noticeable effect.

You can read our actionable guide on home remedies for premature ejaculation here and get started right away. 

4. Behavioral Techniques

You can use behavioral techniques to delay orgasm, control ejaculatory reflex, and treat premature ejaculation. These methods require practice and patience and aren’t easy to master.

For example, there is a squeeze technique to delay ejaculation. You need to squeeze your penis during sexual intercourse when you reach climax and are about to ejaculate. Squeezing your penis at this time for 30 to 60 seconds will help you last longer in bed.

Scientific techniques to delay orgasm like these work great and have no known side effects. You can try these along with other methods to last longer in bed.

Check out this guide on the 10 behavioral techniques to delay ejaculation naturally without any equipment.


What is Alomo Bitters Made From?

Alomo Bitters is made from alcohol and herbal extracts. The active ingredient is alcohol in the form of a neutral spirit. It also contains plant extracts including khaya senegalensis, capparis erythrocarpus, and mondia whitei.

What Percent Alcohol is Alomo Bitters?

Alomo Bitters has 42% alcohol in the form of neutral spirit which is a distilled alcohol.

Does Alomo Bitters Improve Sex Drive?

No, Alomo Bitters does not improve libido (sex drive). There is no scientific evidence to support this claim.

Should You Use Alomo Bitters for PE?

No, you shouldn’t use it because this drink isn’t meant to treat premature ejaculation. Alomo Bitters isn’t made to make you last longer in bed. It is marketed as an herbal alcoholic drink that boosts your energy for a short period and might help with different types of aches and inflammation.

It is, by no means, a drink that will help you in bed.

Overusing Alomo Bitters might backfire as it is scientifically proven to cause sexual dysfunction.

If you want to last longer in bed, use the right products and methods that are more effective such as numbing products, dietary supplements, behavioral techniques, and home remedies (as discussed above).

Updated: August 29, 2023