Does suboxone make you last longer in bed

Does Suboxone Make You Last Longer in Bed?

Suboxone is a combination medicine used to treat narcotic addiction and dependence on opioids. Despite the benefits, it has a lot of side effects. If you are using suboxone, a key question you might have in your mind is: Does suboxone make you last longer in bed?

Yes, suboxone does make you last longer in bed. A common and scientifically proven side effect of suboxone is that it causes sexual dysfunction including premature ejaculation (PE).

We have covered the association between suboxone and its association with delayed orgasm, how it impacts your sexual health, should you use suboxone for the treatment of PE, and if you intend to delay ejaculation and last longer in bed, what options do you have?

What is Suboxone?

Suboxone is used to treat narcotic addiction. It decreases withdrawal symptoms and reduces dependence on opioids (narcotics such as heroin).

It is a combination medication that consists of buprenorphine and naloxone. Buprenorphine is an opioid medication used to treat opioid use disorder (OUD) and acute and chronic pain. Naloxone is used to reverse or reduce the impact of an opioid. It is an opioid antagonist.

So, suboxone is used to treat opioid addiction which is a chronic brain disorder where the patient gets addicted to using opioids.

Suboxone Side Effects

Here is a list of the common side effects of suboxone:

  • Blurred vision
  • Headache
  • Drowsiness
  • Breathing issues
  • Speech issues
  • Weakness
  • Shivering
  • Sweating
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Back pain
  • Sleeping issues
  • Tongue and teeth disorders
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Premature ejaculation
  • Problems getting orgasm.

Does Suboxone Make You Last Longer in Bed?

Yes, suboxone makes you last longer in bed. A common side effect of suboxone and opioids is that they cause sexual dysfunction in both men and women. Delay in orgasm is a common type of sexual dysfunction which implies that men who are using suboxone will last longer in bed.

Opioids have a direct impact on hormones such as luteinizing hormone (LH) which stimulates testosterone release. A reduction in LH means a reduction in testosterone levels. According to a 2018 study, 23% of men who use buprenorphine have lower testosterone levels. When you have a low level of testosterone in your body, it leads to a reduction in the sex drive and other sexual dysfunctions. 

A 2010 study reported that opioids impact testosterone levels and lead to delayed ejaculation. The exact mechanism is not known as to how opioids lead to sexual dysfunction but it is scientifically proven in several clinical trials that opioids cause sexual dysfunction including premature ejaculation.

A 2019 study found that using buprenorphine and naloxone for 4 months significantly increases sexual problems in patients including delay in orgasm. A 2012 study reported that 83% of men using buprenorphine reported premature ejaculation while 33% reported a reduction in sexual desire.

If you are using suboxone, you will likely suffer from delayed orgasm and will last longer in bed. This condition is, however, temporary. You will get back to normal ejaculation duration after a few months of stopping suboxone.

Should You Use Suboxone for Premature Ejaculation?

No, you shouldn’t use suboxone or buprenorphine to delay ejaculation. These medications aren’t meant to be used for delaying orgasm.

Suboxone is a prescription medicine. You can’t get it with a valid prescription so chances of using it off-label are minimal. If, somehow, you get suboxone, avoid using it for lasting longer in bed. It has several side effects that will create issues for you.

Doctors do not prescribe suboxone for the treatment of premature ejaculation. If you are suffering from premature ejaculation and need a prescription medicine to last longer in bed, your physician is most likely to prescribe an antidepressant (known as a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) such as paroxetine or sertraline. These antidepressants are commonly used for the treatment of PE due to fewer and less toxic side effects.

How to Last Longer in Bed?

Here are the best ways to last longer in bed that are safe and don’t harm your health:

1. Topical Products

Topical products work instantly for delaying ejaculation with minimal side effects. These are non-prescription numbing or desensitizing products such as delay sprays, wipes, condoms, and creams. You have to apply these products on your penis 5 to 15 minutes before sexual intercourse which helps you significantly delay orgasm.

The FDA has approved herbal desensitizing products and benzocaine (a local anesthetic) for use in numbing products. Lidocaine (a stronger anesthetic) is approved for use in delay sprays only.

We recommend VigRX Delay Spray which contains benzocaine and plant extracts. It is the only topical product for PE that is a mix of both local anesthetic and natural herbs which makes it an effective solution for lasting longer in bed.

Check out this list of the best topical products to last longer in bed for more details.

2. Supplements

Dietary supplements are another solution to premature ejaculation. Most of the supplements are herbal and have no side effects. You can easily purchase them without any prescription.

Herbal tablets and supplements aren’t fast-acting like desensitizing products. You won’t be able to see instant results. And this is a major downside of using tablets.

However, it is much easier to take a tablet than applying a topical product on your penis. If you want to avoid mess and don’t like applying products on your penis before sexual intercourse, you should try supplements like ProSolution Plus which is a scientifically proven herbal tablet that helps you delay ejaculation.

A study reported that men who used ProSolution Plus consistently for 60 days had their ejaculation duration increased by 64% with higher sexual drive and sexual satisfaction. No side effects were reported by the participants during trials.

Buy ProSolution Plus with free shipping.

3. Behavioral Techniques

Behavioral techniques are ideal for you if you need a natural and safe way to last longer in bed. These are scientific methods that help you delay orgasm by strengthening your muscles and reflexes.

The issue with behavioral methods for PE is that they demand consistency and patience. You have to practice the technique regularly and master it. This means you won’t be able to see an immediate outcome.

For example, the pause-squeeze technique is one of the most popular behavioral methods which requires squeezing your penis during sexual intercourse when you are about to orgasm:

Step-by-Step Guide to Squeeze Technique to last longer in bed

Practicing these 3-steps during sex requires balls.

Since it is a free and natural way to delay ejaculation, you should consider using it and other behavioral techniques. Check out this guide on the 10 best methods to hold back your ejaculation and last longer in bed.

4. Home Remedies

Home remedies, like behavioral techniques, are natural, safe, and free ways to delay climax and last longer in bed. Home remedies include changes in lifestyle, eating certain foods, etc.

For example, eating zinc and magnesium-rich foods is scientifically known to help men last longer in bed. Similarly, there are several fruits and vegetables that are helpful in delaying ejaculation.

Using these natural home remedies for premature ejaculation is an effective but long-term solution. Additionally, it requires consistency and changes in your lifestyle. Eating a certain food for a few days won’t help. You need to change your habits which is a difficult task for most people.

If you are committed and consistent, go ahead and check out our guide on the complete list of home remedies for PE and pick remedies that you like and stick with them.


What is the Peak Action of Suboxone?

The peak effect of suboxone is at 1 to 4 hours. However, it is dose-dependent. A low dosage has a lower peak effect while a higher dosage (16 mg or more) has a peak effect that lasts over a day.

Is Suboxone an Antidepressant?

No, suboxone is not an antidepressant. Suboxone is the brand name of the drug which is a combination of two different drugs: Buprenorphine (which is an opioid partial agonist) and naloxone (which is an opioid antagonist). So suboxone isn’t an antidepressant. It can be, however, used for the treatment of depression and anxiety.

Does Suboxone Lower Testosterone Levels?

Yes, suboxone decreases testosterone levels in men. The buprenorphine in suboxone is responsible for a decrease in testosterone levels. Multiple studies reported that men who take buprenorphine or suboxone have low testosterone levels which lead to poor sex drive and sexual dysfunction.

Does Suboxone Increase Dopamine?

Suboxone may increase dopamine levels. The buprenorphine in suboxone is scientifically known to increase dopamine when taken at a low dose. A rat study reported that buprenorphine at low doses increased dopamine while at high doses it doesn’t.

Final Words

Suboxone isn’t meant to be used for delaying orgasm or to treat premature ejaculation. It is a prescription medicine that can’t be used to treat PE. If you are using suboxone, you might experience delayed orgasm and sexual dysfunction which is common and would disappear after you stop using the medicine.

If you are interested in lasting longer in bed, you should use other more effective and FDA approved products such as topical numbing products or herbal supplements. Do not put yourself in danger of using off-label drugs to delay climax.

Updated: August 29, 2023