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Does Melatonin Make You Last Longer in Bed?

Yes, melatonin makes you last longer in bed. Low levels of melatonin in men lead to premature ejaculation (PE) and as melatonin level in the blood increases, it improves the ejaculation process and helps men suffering from PE last much longer.

But most men do not know how much melatonin they need to take to last longer in bed.

Keep reading to find out…

What is Melatonin?

Melatonin (also known as 5-methoxy-n-acetyltryptamine, MEL, and pineal hormone) is a hormone produced naturally by the human body. It is produced in the brain by the pineal gland in response to darkness. The purpose of melatonin is to manage your internal clock (known as circadian rhythms) which is responsible for managing the sleep and wake cycle. It primarily helps you sleep, but it does much more than that, most of which is yet scientifically unknown.

Melatonin plays a major role in synchronizing circadian rhythm which represents body changes that follow a 24-hour cycle. Common types of circadian rhythms represent physical and cognitive changes that are linked to the 24-hour internal clock.

Besides natural production, melatonin is also available in supplement form in a synthetic form that’s grown artificially in labs.

Melatonin Benefits

  • Improve sleep: Studies have shown that melatonin improves sleep. A study reported that people who have insomnia can sleep quickly with enhanced sleep quality when they take melatonin at least 2 hours before going to bed.
  • Improve eye health: Melatonin is associated with improved eyesight and retina health. A study found that people who take melatonin supplements regularly have a reduced risk of visual loss with enhanced retina health.
  • Seasonal depression relief: Melatonin helps in the management of seasonal depression that’s usually caused by changes in season. A study concluded that seasonal depression is caused due to changes in circadian rhythm and melatonin supplementation reduces depression significantly.
  • Improve heartburn: Melatonin is found to be effective in the treatment of stomach disorders especially those that are related to stomach acid, heartburn, nausea, etc. According to a study, taking melatonin supplements reduces heartburn and discomfort.
  • Increase HGH level: Human growth hormone (HGH) is a growth and cellular regeneration hormone which improves muscle mass. A study reported that melatonin supplementation increases HGH levels. 

Melatonin Side Effects

As melatonin is a natural hormone, it is safe and has no major side effects. It is non-addictive when taken in the form of a supplement for treating insomnia. However, it is less effective than other sleep medications.

Common side effects of melatonin include:

  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Sleepiness
  • Headache
  • Mouth dryness
  • Night sweats
  • Skin itching.

Serious side effects include:

  • Confusion
  • Faintness
  • Extreme dizziness
  • Unstoppable bleeding
  • Blurred vision.

Melatonin supplement is found to interact with other medicines including antidepressants, blood pressure medicines, and blood thinners.

Does Melatonin Make You Last Longer in Bed?

Yes, melatonin can make you last longer in bed as low levels of melatonin are associated with premature ejaculation. Increasing melatonin levels helps you delay ejaculation and you can last longer in bed.

Premature ejaculation (PE) is an ejaculatory dysfunction where men ejaculate too early during sexual intercourse and before they want. It is reported in multiple studies that men who have PE have low levels of melatonin in their blood (plasma level).

A study analyzed the relationship between plasma melatonin levels and the effectiveness of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) in the treatment of premature ejaculation. The authors found that men who have premature ejaculation have low levels of melatonin and when these men are treated for PE, their melatonin levels increase. The authors concluded that increased melatonin can help delay ejaculation.

A similar study in 2020 analyzed the melatonin levels of lifelong premature ejaculation patients and found that the melatonin level in lifelong PE patients was significantly lower than in healthy individuals and when these patients were treated with sertraline (an SSRI used as off-label for the treatment of PE), their melatonin level increased significantly. This indicates that high melatonin increases ejaculation duration in men while low levels are associated with PE.

Another 2020 study found sildenafil treatment with melatonin supplementation most effective in the treatment of premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction (ED). Sixty participants took 3 mg of melatonin and 50 mg of sildenafil on demand for 6 months and results showed that the combined treatment method increased ejaculation duration and improved erection quality. 

An NBC article reported a Japanese study where researchers found that melatonin is linked with sex organs in birds. Removing melatonin completely from birds reduces their testes and creates reproductive dysfunction while increased melatonin levels improved the health and size of testes. The study was conducted on birds, not humans – but it shows that melatonin does much more than managing sleep.

These studies show that melatonin does help men last longer in bed and melatonin deficiency is more likely to cause premature ejaculation. And men who are suffering from PE (both secondary and lifelong) can manage it by increasing melatonin levels.

How Much Melatonin to Take to Last Longer in Bed?

You need to take between 1-5 mg of melatonin per day to cure premature ejaculation.

If you are taking any other PE medication or treatment, you should better stick with 3 mg of melatonin per day.

If you are not taking any other premature ejaculation treatment, you should use 5 mg of melatonin per day.

For best results, it is recommended to take melatonin supplements regularly for up to 6 months or more. The longer you take it, the better.

Check this list of the best over-the-counter melatonin supplements to choose from:

  1. Natrol Melatonin 3 mg
  2. Nutricost Melatonin 5 mg
  3. OLLY 3 mg Melatonin Gummy.

Melatonin for Premature Ejaculation

Melatonin deficiency is associated with PE. Men who have low levels of melatonin are more likely to suffer from premature ejaculation. And when melatonin levels are increased, it makes men last longer in bed by giving them more control over ejaculation.

As melatonin manages mental and behavioral changes in humans so a lack of melatonin means your internal clock isn’t synched which leads to behavioral issues and mental restlessness. This potentially leads to poor control over ejaculation and you orgasm too quickly.

However, melatonin alone isn’t as effective as it works with other premature ejaculation treatments like SSRI or desensitizing products.

It is best to complement melatonin supplementation with an additional treatment method as this has shown better results in scientific studies.

Using an herbal pill like ProSolution Plus which reduces premature ejaculation by 64% is a good idea. It has no side effects and is 100% herbal OTC medicine for PE. Using it with melatonin supplement daily will significantly increase ejaculation duration and you will be able to last longer in bed.

Shop ProSolution Plus with free shipping in the US and a 67-day money-back guarantee.


Does melatonin affect testosterone?

Studies have shown that melatonin does not alter testosterone levels in humans. A study reported that melatonin does not impact testosterone levels in humans. However, a study on rats reported that melatonin negatively impacts testosterone production.

Does melatonin affect male sperm?

Yes, long-term use of melatonin supplements reduces sperm quality and health. A study reported that melatonin reduces semen quality and reduces sperm count and motility.

Is melatonin good for erectile dysfunction?

Yes, melatonin might improve erection quality in men as it is linked positively with erectile dysfunction. Studies have shown that melatonin has a positive impact on erection.

Does melatonin affect hormones in men?

No, melatonin does not have any impact on hormones in men.