how to use delay sprays

How to Use Delay Spray with Pictures [Infographic]

Men want to be confident and enjoy fearlessly at least at one place at any cost—their bedrooms. If you don’t or cannot perform well in bed due to premature ejaculation, you have a lot of medical treatments to cure premature ejaculation. If you are thinking of using delay sprays to gain confidence in your bed, you must know how to use delay sprays properly.

Premature ejaculation is a common sexual condition among men. Over 40% of men in the United States are affected to some degree with early discharge issues at some point in their lives. Using the right premature ejaculation product, the right way will help you get rid of it quickly.

This guide covers delay sprays in detail with a focus on how to use delay spray with pictures for best results. Let’s get started:

What is a Delay Spray?

A delay spray (also known as desensitizing spray or numbing spray) is a numbing and desensitizing product that is used to treat premature ejaculation. It works by reducing the sensitivity of your penis to prolong the time of sexual activity.

Delay sprays are composed of desensitizing agents that are local anesthetics like lidocaine or benzocaine. These local anesthetics are sodium channel blockers that reduce the flow and origin of action potential in the nerve endings. Delay sprays are proven to help you last longer in bed, release when you want, increase your sexual stamina, and work within 10 minutes.

How to Use Delay Spray with Pictures: Step-by-Step Guide

Delay sprays leave no mess and have the simplest and most convenient method of application. The steps are simple to follow. You must do it properly so that the ingredients in the spray have a better chance to act effectively. When compared to creams, ointments, and premature ejaculation oils, desensitizing sprays are easier to use.

Follow these steps to use delay sprays for best results:

how to use delay spray with pictures infographic

Step #1: Clean Your Penis

Wash your penis before application to achieve better results. Cleaning removes the debris and germs present on your organ.

Step #2: Shake Well Before Use

Take out the delay spray bottle and shake it well. It is essentially like a hair spray you are holding in your hands.

Step #3: Apply Spray

You have to apply 2 to 3 spraying jets to your penis from a distance of about a few inches. It should be done in such a way that the spray reaches the head and shaft of your organ. The shaft and head are the main regions that must be sprayed for better results. Spray on the penis head, and then take it to the shaft.

Step #4: Spread Evenly

Spread spray by rubbing it and massaging especially on the head of the penis and around the shaft. Massage the head of your penis thoroughly as most of the sensitivity lies here. Do it gently for a few minutes. If you are able to numb the head, you’ll have the maximum results.

Step #5: Wait for 5-15 Minutes

Let the spray absorb and dry. Waiting for 5-15 minutes is recommended as it gives acting agents a better chance to get absorbed into the skin of your penis. See the delay spray label for the exact time you have to wait before having intercourse.

Step #6: Wash Your Penis

After waiting for the recommended time, you must wash your penis. Do not engage in sex right away as it will numb your partner too.

A lot of men don’t wash their penis before sex assuming that it will impact numbing. No, it doesn’t. Once you’ll notice your penis head being numbed, it will stay numb for at least an hour. Go and wash it to remove deposits of the numbing agent.

If you engage in sexual intercourse without cleaning your penis, it will numb your partner’s vagina too. And this will delay her ejaculation too.

Wash your hands too. This is essential because you might have a numbing agent on your hands that might pass numbness to your partner.

Step #7: Sexual Intercourse

Time to go crazy with sex.

It will initially get tough to get an erection as your penis is numb. This is a reason why you must apply spray on the penis head and not all over it. And you’ll have to spend good enough time in foreplay to get an erection without any fear of ejaculation.

Step #8: Wash After Sex

Wash your penis after sex to get rid of any residuals of the numbing agent.

Need a Cost-Effective Delay Spray? Check out these 8 delay sprays under $50

Mistakes to Avoid When Using Delay Spray

If you are using a desensitizing spray for the first time, it is highly likely that you might end up making one of the most common mistakes. Check out the following list of mistakes that most men make and how you can avoid them:

  • Applying too much spray. Spraying more than required can result in feeling less sexual intercourse and a lack of erection as well.
  • Applying too little spray. On the contrary, too little will not even cause a profound delay in ejaculation and will not be enough.
  • Applying in the wrong areas. The most recommended area is the head of your penis.
  • Immediately having sex. Not waiting for the recommended period is a big mistake a lot of men make. Having sexual intercourse before 15-30 minutes will not enable spray to produce an effect.
  • Spraying at higher quantities in the beginning and then lowering it. But doing exactly the opposite is recommended. Apply in lesser amounts and then enhance the dose as required.
  • Not reading instructions on the label. Carefully read instructions on the delay spray that you are using and strictly follow them. No matter what, stick with the manufacturer’s instructions and guidelines.

What is the Best Delay Spray?

A delay spray is your perfect partner when it comes to delaying ejaculations and getting full hold and control over your orgasm. Using a right and the perfect delay spray can change your life significantly. Imagine having a small spray bottle in your pocket all the time, you can use it at the right moment without any second thought to attain massive stamina and endurance.

The topmost delay spray that is going to help you last longer in bed is VigRX Delay Spray.

vigrx delay spray 3 bottles

There are a lot of delay sprays that are designed and marketed to help you last longer. They all aren’t equal and effective. VigRX delay spray is a benzocaine-based delay spray that has several natural ingredients that make it a risk-free desensitizing spray for men.

VigRX delay spray has the following benefits:

  • Increases sexual control and stamina
  • Reduces overstimulation and rapid ejaculation
  • Gives strength and endurance to the male sexual organ
  • Exerts soothing effect and enhances confidence
  • Timing up to 2.4 times more than usual
  • No fear of transferring the agent
  • Long lasting and expires after 4 years
  • Immediate effect with no side-effects 
  • Your partner does not even know that you are using it.


Is it Worth Buying a Delay Spray?

Yes, it is.

Clinical studies suggest that delay sprays are effective in increasing ejaculation time significantly. They work by applying a local anesthetic to the penis, making sexual activity feel less intense by reducing your sensitivity levels and help stay erect for a longer duration.

How Frequently Can I Use Delay Spray?

You should not exceed a maximum dose of 20 sprays within 24 hours. Using too much can result in stinging, burning, or loss of erection.

Does Delay Spray Have Any Side Effects?

Temporary penis desensitization is a core side effect. Delay spray in a larger amount can cause temporary sensitivity loss and possibly the loss of an erection for time being.

What If Delay Spray Gets Transferred to My Partner?

Nothing to worry about. If it gets transferred to your sexual partner, it will make her sex organ numb for some time. It is safe and has no side effects.

The only problem will be that your partner will need much longer to ejaculate due to numbing.

However, if you wait for 5-30 minutes and wash your penis before sex, it won’t transfer to your partner. It is uncommon for lidocaine, lignocaine, or benzocaine sprays to have any effect on your partner’s level of sensitivity during sex. You have to make sure that you wash any excess material before sex to reduce the risk of transferring topical anesthetic material to your partner.

Can I Wear a Condom After Applying the Delay Spray?

Yes, you can. Condoms do not affect your erection or cause any changes to the effects of delay sprays. However, it isn’t recommended as your penis will already be numb, and using a condom will add an extra layer barrier.

Do I Need to Wash Delay Spray Before or After Intercourse?

Yes, you should. This is important to remove remains of the spray from your penis and avoid transmission to your sex partner

Final Words

Using delay sprays is simple.

Spray 5-30 minutes before you are planning to have sexual intercourse, spread it, and massage thoroughly to have better results. Upon application of the delay spray on your penis, benzocaine, lignocaine, or xylocaine will be absorbed into the skin of your penis.

It is important to use delay sprays appropriately to boost their effectiveness. You can’t just spray your penis randomly and expect better sexual performance. If you are interested in delaying ejaculation and spending a great time in bed, you must know how to use delay sprays.

When used the right way, a delay spray will last longer, delay ejaculation significantly, and keep you and your sex partner safe.

Updated: June 02, 2023